10 Signs You Need A New Website Design

In the age of social media pages and profiles, websites can be easily overlooked. I can see the appeal – Facebook is freshly updated every day and quite engaging as you cherish the Likes & Shares; most websites are static all year round and simply there to inform. When designed for modern times, however, websites will always be the best tool for reaching, engaging and creating customers. 

Customers aren’t buying on Facebook nearly as much as they do on websites. Customers are looking for a responsive, well-designed, engaging, easy to navigate website that lets them do what they came to do: shop, browse, buy, explore and learn. With dozens of hot web design trends for 2015, a website can be even more engaging than social media. And, as you’ve tragically learned after the umpteenth, unprompted change to your Facebook Timeline’s look and style, Facebook isn’t a replacement for a custom-made website.

So how do you know when it’s time for a fresh website design? What will it take for you to finally overhaul your flagship web presence? Maybe you need a sign. We’ll give you ten of them to look for:

1) Your website isn’t responsive. 

No, we don’t mean your site isn’t responding at all and gets the dreaded 404 Error: Page Cannot Be Found window, though that’s pretty bad. Responsive means that your site doesn’t adapt to the wide range of devices your customers use…and it’s the new standard in web design. Statistics show that 62% of companies that designed a website with mobile in mind saw increased sales. Your site may look fine on a desktop computer but if it “doesn’t fit” on an iPhone or iPad, you’re losing sales. A “smart and responsive” website adapts to different devices and different screen sizes and lets your customers experience your business exactly as you intended.

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