

6 Rosh Hashana Marketing Strategies for 2018 | Henry Isaacs Marketing | New York

6 Rosh Hashana Marketing Strategies for 2018

It’s Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, and what a robust year it’s been thus far. Apple became the first trillion dollar company, unemployment hits a rare low of 3.9%, and Kylie Jenner is on the cusp of being the youngest female billionaire in modern history (and Jeff Bezos is the wealthiest). Quite a year of ups and downs (it’s been real, Toys R’ Us) but mostly ups. So as we prepare for the Rosh Hashana season and think about Q4 possibilities, is your business riding the wave of growth for this coming year? Here are five ways to ensure your business has a sweet new year all year long.

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5 Social Media Mistakes You're Making | Henry Isaacs Marketing

5 Social Media Mistakes Your Business Must Avoid

With presidential tweets, Instagram photoshopping and accusations of #FakeNews, 2017 can thus far be summed up as the Year of Social Media. These days, a well-managed Twitter or Facebook profile can help a business thrive or sink like a stone if untended. Which got us thinking – besides #Covfefe and # CashMeOusside, what other social media mistakes are people and businesses doing on a daily basis? We weren’t alone in our thinking.

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Summer Marketing Refresh | Henry Isaacs Marketing | New York

8 Summer Strategies to Refresh Your Marketing

Ah, summer. A time for beaches, sun, vacations, frisbee and baseball. For the business owner, however, it’s time for summer school.

The summer is the best time to refresh your marketing strategy with the information you’ve gained from the past six months. What’s worked? What hasn’t? What are you dropping? What are you increasing? You’ve tried a lot of things and now’s the time to buckle down a bit and refresh. So here are 8 tactics to help you refresh your marketing this summer and plan for a successful 3rd and 4th quarter!

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Succeed in Digital Marketing Fast | Henry Isaacs Marketing | New York

4 Ways to Succeed in Digital Marketing. Fast.

The holiday season is right around the corner. If you’re focused on standing out from the clutter, you inevitably need to think digital. But are you truly prepared to dive in to digital, track your investment and make educated data-driven decisions? Let’s find out. Here are four ways to get your business started down the digital marketing path and get your company digital fast.

Responsive Web Design | Henry Isaacs Marketing | Jewish Ad Agency

10 Signs You Need A New Website Design

In the age of social media pages and profiles, websites can be easily overlooked. I can see the appeal – Facebook is freshly updated every day and quite engaging as you cherish the Likes & Shares; most websites are static all year round and simply there to inform. When designed for modern times, however, websites will always be the best tool for reaching, engaging and creating customers. 

Customers aren’t buying on Facebook nearly as much as they do on websites. Customers are looking for a responsive, well-designed, engaging, easy to navigate website that lets them do what they came to do: shop, browse, buy, explore and learn. With dozens of hot web design trends for 2015, a website can be even more engaging than social media. And, as you’ve tragically learned after the umpteenth, unprompted change to your Facebook Timeline’s look and style, Facebook isn’t a replacement for a custom-made website.

So how do you know when it’s time for a fresh website design? What will it take for you to finally overhaul your flagship web presence? Maybe you need a sign. We’ll give you ten of them to look for:

1) Your website isn’t responsive. 

No, we don’t mean your site isn’t responding at all and gets the dreaded 404 Error: Page Cannot Be Found window, though that’s pretty bad. Responsive means that your site doesn’t adapt to the wide range of devices your customers use…and it’s the new standard in web design. Statistics show that 62% of companies that designed a website with mobile in mind saw increased sales. Your site may look fine on a desktop computer but if it “doesn’t fit” on an iPhone or iPad, you’re losing sales. A “smart and responsive” website adapts to different devices and different screen sizes and lets your customers experience your business exactly as you intended.

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Content Marketing | Henry Isaacs Marketing | Social Media Strategy

Why Content Marketing Will Change Your Marketing Forever

Content is king. Ever have that moment when you realize you got more sales from your article than you did from your advertising? That pretty much means you should look into content marketing as your top marketing tool. Content marketing is the fastest growing field in marketing. Over 50% of marketers this year plan to increase spending on content marketing. It’s a valuable addition to your marketing portfolio.
So what exactly is content marketing? In short, it’s the art of building a relationship with your customers. Here’s a solid definition from the Content Marketing Institute:


“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Case Study: How We Designed Great Content That Went Viral

Here’s a content marketing case study that will show you how effective content creation can be. We designed blog content for an online health supplements company in our first few years in existence. Tasked with making vitamins, makeup and health supplements appealing, fresh and creative, we created 24 blog posts a week that incorporated three key factors: 1) trending topics 2) emotional marketing and 3) relevant SEO keywords. No small task! Creating fresh, hip posts such as “Five Ways Eyelash Extensions Helped Me Get Married” and “How Vitamin Supplements Are Really Adult Candy”, we helped bring our client to one of the top ranked websites on Google, which increased web traffic, page session duration and product sales. That’s what great content marketing can do: bring customers to your door, engage and inform them and then simply soft sell them!

You have wisdom. We have creativity. Together, you have a recipe for a great content marketing strategy (Learn More). Here’s why content marketing works wonders and how it will change your marketing forever.


Ads are read for a few seconds. Articles last for minutes and more.

To quote ImaginePub, content marketing is a relationship; advertising is a one night stand. Especially in the 21st century. DVR customers are skipping commercials, newspapers are battling for online relevancy, web visitors click on ads less often, and search ads are becoming less popular in a mobile world. This in no ways means advertising is dying; it simply means you need new ways to get the attention of customers. Content marketing solves that issue. Customers may skip over your App ad but are simply compelled to read about “13 Apps Every Jewish Guy Must Have.” They’ll sit and absorb your article for ten minutes and share it with friends. Ten minutes! An ad for Matzo is ho hum; an article about “10 Ways To Use Matzo For Passover Like Never Before” simply piques interest. Content marketing engages your customer for longer and gives them more reasons to get your products.


You own your content. And it’s online forever.

When you place an ad in a newspaper, you’re pretty much renting space to promote yourself. The space is finite, the readership is finite and the results are limited. By creating content, you own everything you create, it’s unlimited in space, it’s unbound by a geographic region and it can go viral forever on social media. Why rent when you can own, right? Many Jewish media outlets are even geared to provide free editorial. If content is more valuable, which it is, and you can get content space for free, jump on it!


It’s got your personality written all over it.

The best way to  gain more customers is through an emotional connection. Customers want to laugh, cry, dream, succeed and be inspired through your products. Ever notice on product labels that they have websites full of recipes? Their content helps shoppers feel creative, healthy and resourceful through their products. That’s why QVC is so successful; they sell products that help parents feel emotionally empowered, beautiful, and trendy. Content marketing lets you show your personality and connect emotionally with your customers. People share content when it moves them, when it shocks them, and when it inspires them. An advertisement has limited connection (one night stand, remember?) and certainly no more than your competition. Through content, you can connect in more emotional ways and build a relationship.


You get to focus on creating new…

… everything! Great content creates new information. It creates new uses and insights about your products. It opens up new perspectives in your customers. Basically, creative content opens up your business in more ways than traditional marketing. You’re not merely selling your products with an ad; you’re creating new opportunities for your products to be relevant and sold. We work with a food client who basically sells groceries. It’s a basic need so where can you go from there? Here’s where. We created an entire sequence of recipes that were printed in newspapers and posted online for one reason only: to position our food client as more than just groceries. With our content, they became an expert on Kosher food. And who wouldn’t trust and buy from the expert more often?  Great content helped them create a relationship with customers and didn’t just go for the one-time buy. By creating new content, they created new selling opportunities online and upsold larger recipe orders in store. Creative content created a lot for them.


Content makes you cool. 

The benefit of great content creation resides in it’s ability to go viral. To go viral, you need to have friends who will share it. The better your content, the more people share it, the more friends (or Likes or customers) you’ll gain… and the cooler your brand becomes. That’s why we create content for you that is ridiculously cool, fresh and unique. It’s similar to designing an ad; you can’t use Comic Sans font or outdated pictures to be considered a fresh business. You need a sharp slogan, creative logo, short compelling content and a fresh design if you want to resonate with the cool kids. Of course, informative, useful and emotional is an added bonus but the goal is to connect with as many people as possible. If your business needs a major dose of “coolness”, content creation is the “hottest” way to go.

LET’S SUM IT UP: Content marketing, the art of creating valuable content to attract customers, is one of the fastest growing fields in marketing and you need to add it to your marketing portfolio. It’s cool, it’s informative, it’s fresh and it leaves a bigger impact than an ad. If you invest in one new marketing area this year, content marketing should be it. Let’s get started…

Isaac Hyman, Founder  |  Henry Isaacs Marketing  |  646.833.8604  |  info@henryisaacs.net